WTA Report Highlights Top 5 Threats to Cybersecurity for Teleports

New York, NY, Sept. 26, 2019 — The Top 5 Threats to Cybersecurity for Teleports, the second in a series of new reports, calls on cybersecurity experts in Europe, Asia and the United States for guidance on anticipating threats when making cybersecurity decisions. The report addresses the five most common forms of cyberattack that affect businesses of all kinds and teleport operators in particular.

For teleport operators, from global companies to those running just one facility, cyber threats are all around. Executives could once take comfort in the idea that providing satellite services was too small and obscure a niche to attract the attention of hackers, but those days are gone. Cyber criminals set automated systems to scan the internet for undefended points of entry to networks. When they find one, they get to work. In our last report, Making Cybersecurity Pay Off, we shared the story of an IT manager who set up a new web server and began receiving the first probes from Chinese hackers only 30 minutes later.

Big companies can afford robust information security teams, but midsize-to-small companies have to try covering the same ground with far fewer resources. WTA’s cybersecurity series is dedicated to them and offers guidance on making smart choices about what to defend and how.

The Top 5 Threats to Cybersecurity for Teleports is available free and exclusively to WTA Members.