New WTA Report, High-Performance: Service Continuity, Explores How Teleport Operators can Best Address Hidden Threats to Service Continuity

New York City, NY, February 5, 2019 - The World Teleport Association (WTA) today released High Performance: Service Continuity, a new research report that explores the hidden threats to service continuity and how teleport operators can best address them. The report is based on research coming from anonymized data collected since 2015 through WTA’s Teleport Certification program, and is the first of a series focusing on under-appreciated issues that have an impact on quality of service. 

“Teleport certification is being broadly adopted across the industry,” said executive director Robert Bell, “with certified teleports in the US, UK, Germany, Italy, Norway, Cyprus, Switzerland, the UAE, Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Mexico, Columbia and Brazil. We realized that the data generated by the program could offer valuable insights to all teleport operators while still protecting the confidentiality of certified operators.” 

WTA members can access the report by signing in to their accounts on the WTA website. Non-members can purchase the report for US$1650. 

More about High Performance: Service Continuity 

Service continuity is the core deliverable to customers. Most other aspects of service can be managed, explained or finessed, but not whether the service is off instead of on, severely degraded rather than healthy. Not surprisingly, it is the issue to which teleport engineers and managers devote most of their time, energy and money. 

And yet, it is always the hidden issue, the weak link left unnoticed, that threatens the continuity of service, even at well-run facilities with proper procedures in place. High-Performance: Service Continuity identifies these hidden weak links based on anonymized data from high-quality teleport operators. 

In 2015, WTA introduced its Teleport Certification program to help operators find the strengths and weaknesses in their facilities, technology and procedures and to receive independent, standards-based certification at one of four Tiers, from Tier 4 at the top to Tier 1. Teleport Certification has also generated substantial data on teleport operators from its 270-question survey instrument, which provides the basis for the new High-Performance series of reports.