New Report from WTA, “Making Cybersecurity Pay Off” Provides Key Guidance for Security Decision Making

New York City, NY, June 6, 2019 — The World Teleport Association (WTA) today released the Making Cybersecurity Pay Off, the first in a series of new reports, that calls on cybersecurity experts in Europe, Asia and the United States for guidance on making smart decisions. The report provides recommendations for taking charge of cybersecurity and achieving the best return on investment in protecting the operating teleport.

“The people in your company who have to make decisions about paying for cybersecurity probably don’t know what they’re buying,” said executive director Robert Bell. “In a cybersecurity discussion, the principles quickly give way to mind-numbing details about SQL injection, cross-site scripting and phishing that only IT people can grasp. Midsize-to-small teleport operators are under-prepared for cyberthreats because few business owners want to buy something they don’t understand.”

The report is available to WTA members only. They can access the report by signing in to their accounts on the WTA website. WTA Members may directly download the report by following this link.

More about Making Cybersecurity Pay Off

Most companies that operate teleports are medium to small in size, both in revenues and headcount. And in cybersecurity, size seems to matter. The biggest teleport and satellite companies in the business have robust cybersecurity operations, led by a chief information security officer and enforced with detailed procedures, technology and training programs.

The smaller the company, however, the more likely it is to be vulnerable, because protection against cyberattack is pushed low on the priority list by more urgent needs, like making payroll. Only when an attacker hits do the true costs of vulnerability become clear.

The question for teleport executives is not “will we be attacked?” but “what will we do when we are?” Behind that question is another vital one: how do we make cybersecurity pay off? Like any other investment, you are looking for the best return on what you have to spend. This report provides guidance on making smart decisions in an area where the cost of vulnerability – whatever it actually may be – is climbing every year.

Since 1985, the World Teleport Association has focused on improving the business of satellite communications from the ground up. At the core of its membership are the world's most innovative operators of teleports, from independents to multinationals, niche service providers to global carriers. WTA is dedicated to advocating for the interests of teleport operators in the global telecommunications market and promoting excellence in teleport business practice, technology and operations.